Welcome and thank you for visiting me.
Let me start by saying what do you think and feel when I say to you “Know thyself”? These words according to ancient Greek text were found on the walls of the Temple in Delphi which I was fortunate to visit recently.
You may say what do you mean? When you start to review your life you may recognise patterns, programmes and thoughtforms which keep repeating themselves. By understanding your feelings, desires, beliefs and intentions then you can start to improve your life.
How well do you know yourself? It is always easy to give advice but do you follow your own advice? When you start your journey of self-discovery, you may become more aware of the people around you and your environment but what is happening in your inner world? By going inward and connecting to your inner world and building a good relationship with your self is the first step. Learning to build a good relationship with yourself and of course loving yourself and accepting yourself is important – I always say “be kind to yourself, give yourself a pat on the back when you have worked hard to achieve something however small – it is all positive”.